What’s all the buzz about the new BoPo?

Created to challenge the traditional preconceptions of a conventional meeting room, BoPo by Haworth activates the space in front of the Bowery Lane café and encourages a new way of conversation.

Set within the bustling CBD of Australia’s largest city, BoPo is redefining the meaning of ‘meeting place’.  

Through its carefully curated environment, BoPo by Haworth addresses the growing demand for socially-oriented spaces to engage and accommodate reflective, contemplative and collaborative activities.

The latest iteration of BoPo is focused on showcasing locally sourced artist and Australian designed and made products. The height adjustable Sakuru table is a recent winner of the Australian Good Design award and is dressed with a jacket created by indigenous digital artist Jenny Moylan. The space is also softened by the inclusion of beautifully designed acoustic furniture and solutions from Haworth owned company BuzziSpace.

This makes for a stylish, adaptable and conversation friendly space that can be booked for an array of exclusive small functions and meetings, this fusion concept continuously evolves to adapt to the seasonal trends of the bustling workplace.

Max capacity: 6 seated | 15 standing 

Exclusive use reservations: events@bowerylane.com.au, otherwise, just pop in, grab a coffee & enjoy. 

For further information on Haworth products please click here

For any enquires please reach out to the Haworth Team on info.au@haworth.com or 1300 176 075
